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Flexibility saves time and money – The IMV ECO-Shaker

The subject of multi-tasking is set to play an even greater role in the future. In industry, the trend is heading towards complete machining.
Machines that are capable of using various different procedures or technologies flexibly are in demand. Such multi-tasking machines increase product reserves, increase flexibility and ensure time savings and therefore lower costs in the long term.

High power – high speed? The IMV ECO-shaker

The IMV ECO-shaker is world’s first fully automatic ECO-vibration test system that can automatically regulate field power and fan speed as soon as the system is switched on.

In addition, the ECO-shaker can automatically maximise or minimise the shock speed. Its automatic application in a vibration test system is unique globally, and has only been implemented in IMV’s ECO-Shaker.
The user is no longer required to intervene manually: he/she must simply create a specific shock profile beforehand.
The shaker regulates the desired speed through adaptation of the field voltage. The ECO-Shaker therefore meets several requirement profiles and reduces the effort involved in adaptation before an additional series of tests.
Traditional vibration test systems use adapted transformers to provide the required higher valve voltages.
With the ECO-shaker range, such measures are unnecessary.

Flexible yet specialist: requirements in the times of industry 4.0

The more flexible an appliance is, and the higher the range of purposes it covers, the more effectively its use in everyday work can be planned.
The goal is a smart technology mix. In the ideal scenario, this means a modular system with various technologies, which enables a large number of complex activities and machine operations to be carried out with just one machine.
Nevertheless, even in the times of industry 4.0, specialised systems that are as precise as possible are still important.

From the classic production line to the flexible work station

The symbol of production in the 20th century is the classic production line. But if we consider industry 4.0, highly flexible production scenarios and alternative production organisations are becoming increasingly relevant.
Orders that independently make their way through freely arranged and automatically operating workstations may determine the shape of the 21st century.
This concept, however, only functions with flexible systems that automatically adapt themselves. But these require one thing above all: data. Only when the system receives, records, and interprets the necessary data can this be efficiently implemented.

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