Seismometers and Structural Health Monitoring Sensors
Seismometers and structural health monitoring sensors that contribute to improving the resilience of cities and critical infrastructures

- SDGs target 9.1
- Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human welfare with an emphasis on inexpensive and fair access to all.

- SDGs target 11.5
- By 2030, disaster such as water-related disaster will significantly reduce the number of fatalities and victims, with a focus on protecting the poor and vulnerable population, and will significantly reduce direct economic losses relative to global GDP.
Details of The Initiatives
Both seismographs and structural health monitoring sensors quantify and visualize damage to buildings and other structures in the event of an earthquake. These sensors are useful for Judgment whether they can be returned to the disaster-stricken buildings.
Not only is it widely used in domestic water sources, large scale dams, plants, theme parks, shopping centers, and other public and private sectors, but it also has a wide range of overseas markets, such as the Philippines, where seismometry installation is mandatory, with about 70% of the market-share.
We believe that the use of this equipment can prevent secondary disaster and safely shut down the equipment in operation by shutting down the gas and electricity, electric power in the plant in the event of an earthquake. In addition, we can broadcast announcements for emergency evacuation. This will help to prevent Enlarge、Magnify、Zoom in of damage in the event of an disaster.