To Our Shareholders

Secure the Future
-For future safety and security-
IMV contributes to the safety and security of the world through its business and contributes to the realization of a sustainable society.
People who work at IMV are always aware and proud that all operations lead to the safety and security of the world.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.
Vibration and Safety & Security
Since its founding in 1957, IMV has consistently focused on vibration technology and expanded its business accordingly. From automobiles and aircraft to smartphones and satellites, many products in the world are affected by “vibration”. However, it is essential that these products do not break and can be used safely. Reliability tests using our vibration testing equipment and contract testing services are indispensable for the development of such products.
Thanks to your support, we have grown to become one of the world’s leading companies in the sales of vibration testing equipment. In the field of contract testing, we have eight bases both domestically and internationally, and we provide a wide range of services, including not only vibration testing but also EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) testing and other environmental tests. Many customers also use our vibration measurement equipment. Furthermore, natural vibrations, namely earthquakes, pose a direct threat to the safety of society. Our vibration measurement equipment plays an important role in mitigating damage to buildings, machinery, and equipment during earthquakes, as well as in evacuating people.
Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2025.09-FY2027.09)
Based on our corporate philosophy of “Secure the Future,” we have formulated a medium-term management plan by predicting social changes in ten years and backcasting from the desired state in ten years. In this medium-term management plan, we aim for sustainable growth and improvement of corporate value by setting the following vision and key strategies.
- Best partner that opens up the future with appropriate quality
- Co-creating resilience of people and things with sensor technology Key Strategies by
Business Segment
Manufacturing: Improve global product competitiveness
- Achieve a ppropriate delivery dates by strengthening inventory sales, optimizing production processes, and improving customer support quality
- Shorten customer downtime through the use of digital technologies such as maintenance support and self-diagnosis functions using iMV cloud.
Services: Deepen “ultimate service” and expand overseas
- Strengthen onsite maintenance, regular inspections, and calibration services
- Enhance customer seminars and overseas dealer education
- Update IMV-made amplifiers for overseas other company products and expand services for other company products
Contract Testing, etc.: Move away from subcontracting testing and become a product development partner for our customers
- Deeper involvement in the aerospace and defense industries and introduction of EMC testing equipment
- Improve the added value of existing services
- Build data utilization services
Disaster Prevention and Predictive Maintenance: Build a brand as a comprehensive disaster prevention company and vibration predictive maintenance company
- Establish a disaster prevention business domain centered on seismometers
- Grow as a solution provider for vibration predictive maintenance
IMV has adopted the corporate philosophy of “Secure the Future” and aims to contribute to the safety and security of the world and to the realization of a sustainable society through our business.
In the disaster prevention business, we are actively working not only on preparedness for large-scale earthquakes in Japan but also on international contributions through ISO international standardization activities to demonstrate the use of seismometers in Japan to other countries. In the testing business, we are working to reduce environmental impact through the development of energy-saving products and to contribute to our customers’ labor-saving and location-independent working styles by providing cloud services.
As you can see, the development of our business is strongly linked to social issues, which are the needs of our customers, both current and potential. It is our mission to meet these demands, and as a result, we believe that we can continue to exist as a sustainable company. By further strengthening our relationships with customers and flexibly responding to their requests, we will achieve sustainable growth for both our company and society.
Management with a focus on cost of capital and share price
We will promote management that is conscious of the cost of capital and share price, and strengthen returns to shareholders. Specifically, we will implement the following initiatives.
Return to Shareholders
- While maintaining and continuing stable dividends, we will place importance on dividends linked to final profits (net income).
- We will flexibly repurchase our own shares and return the acquired profits to shareholders more aggressively.
Strengthening IR Activities
- Through continuous approaches to institutional investors and two-way communication, we will incorporate investor evaluations and requests into our management.
- By strengthening PR activities and appealing the social contribution and growth of our business, we will increase the liquidity of our shares.
- We will strengthen disclosure by expanding IR materials and websites and disclosing case studies and Q&A.&Aの開示を通じて、情報開示を強化します。
- We will provide feedback on market evaluations and interview contents to the board of directors and reflect them in management strategies.
To Our Shareholders
In the fiscal year ended September 2024, we achieved consolidated net sales of 15.34 billion yen and operating income of 2.45 billion yen. In our medium-term management plan, we aim for consolidated net sales of 18 billion yen and EBITDA of 3.065 billion yen in the fiscal year ending September 2027.
We will continue to strive to improve our corporate value in order to meet the expectations of our shareholders.