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ドイツの自動車関連エンジニアリング会社から水冷式大型振動試験装置(定格加振力 350kN)を受注しました

English follows Japanese


K350は世界最大級の加振力(正弦波&ランダム波 350kN、衝撃波 900KN)を有しながら、76.2mmp-p 変位(3 インチストローク) を採用し、さらに最大速度3.5m/s の高速度衝撃試験などのハイスペックを実現した振動試験装置です。

今回ドイツに納入されるK350は、大型の水平補助テーブル(寸法 2×2m、1.2×1.2m)、垂直補助テーブル(寸法2×1.6m、1.6×1.2m)を有しています。またバッテリーの爆発時に消化用の水が蓄えれるよう恒温恒湿槽がシールドされた構造になっており、リチウムイオンバッテリの試験時の安全性も十分考慮された設計になっています。

異なるサイズの水平/垂直補助テーブルは、高加速度の試験 (小さいバッテリー)と低加速度の試験(大きいバッテリー)を試験製品の大きさによって使い分けることができ広範囲にわたる試験が可能となっています。



IMV will install a water cooled large vibration test system with a force rating of 350 kN for Sine and Random and 900 kN for Shock-Testing at a major automotive and battery development company in Germany this year.

The shaker will be equipped with a large slip table (2 x 2 m and 1.2 x 1.2 m) and head expander (2 x 1.6 m and 1.6 x 1.2 m) and also come with a sealed chamber floor, so that the chamber can be sealed from the environment in case there is a problem with the DUT (i.e. battery starts burning).

With the different sizes for the slip table and head expander, it is possible to split the expander and the table. So that the user can operate the system with two different sizes with different moving masses. This allows the customer to setup the system for either smaller batteries and high acceleration test levels or large batteries which have lower acceleration test levels. This is expanding the usability of the shaker system and allows the customer to use the shaker for even a wider range of test applications.

Also important for battery tests is the ECO-Technology with its automatic energy saving. As for battery tests the shock test level is high – a large shaker is needed. But then for Sine and Random, the test levels are relatively low. Whenever the shaker is big compared to the test profile, it is possible to save a lot of energy and with this increase the profitability of the shaker system with the IMV patented ECO-Technology.

The customer installing a K350 is the global engineering company. Their main business is a developing and evaluation of the automotive components. They have chosen our IMV shaker as one of the most critical test equipment for Batteries and E-motors expected the increasing demand in the near future.