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大阪市営地下鉄 御堂筋線車両のつり革にIMVの広告が掲載されています!

大阪市営地下鉄 御堂筋線車両のつり革にIMVの広告が掲載されています!


掲載車両:大阪市営地下鉄 御堂筋線を走る41本の電車の中の1本。


Advertisement of IMV is placed on the strap of the Osaka Metro Subway Midosuji Line vehicle!

Publication period: One year from January 22nd, 2020

Vehicles: One of 41 trains running on the Osaka Metro Subway Midosuji Line.
All the straps of the second vehicle from the front facing south.

I do not know when and where to run, but if you have the opportunity to get on the Midosuji Line, I would be happy if you can get on the second car from the south side.