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Appreciation Letter from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

弊社は、2016 年2 月に打ち上げられたX 線天文衛星(ASTRO-H(ひとみ)の振動試験設備の修理対応に関しまして、弊社東京エンニアリングサービス課による速やかな対応及び処置を実施し、X 線天文衛星ASTRO-H システム試験が予定通り実施できたことに対して、国立研究開発法人宇宙研究開発機構(JAXA)より感謝状を頂きました。


ASTRO-H (X-ray astronomy satellite) launched in February from Japan. During vibration testing, IMV Tokyo service engineering division has responded immediately to solve the maintenance problem. Therefore, the testing could continue with no delay in schedule. IMV has received the letter of appreciation on March 7, 2016.

When a rocket launches, it causes enormous amount of vibration stresses onto satellite.
Vibration test is regarded as one of important qualification test to undergo. IMV Tokyo engineering service division in charge of maintenance of large vibration test system for the satellite is very honoured to receive high evaluation on our customer priority service.


At ceremony


Letter and ASTRO-H poster