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BOSCH and IMV held a workshop

We held a workshop with BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE R&D CENTER Vietnam and IMV Vietnam for the first time.

The aim of the workshop was to help both testers and contract testers to understand each other’s products better , exchange the knowledge in Vibration testing and to conduct suitable tests.


21 people, mainly engineers in research and developmet field, from BOSCH participated in the workshop.

First, IMV gave a lecture on vibration testing, and then BOSCH gave a lecture on product structure and the purpose of testing.

The content of our lectures was very good.

The following are the comments from Bosch who participated in the workshop.

My questions about the vibration test have been answered. I would like to continue the mutual learning.

IMV is a very open company and we are satisfied with their cooperation and hope it will continue in the future.

I thought it would be good if there were regular study sessions like this, so that even if the engineer in charge is transferred, the next person in charge can take over without losing the quality of the test.

It is becoming more and more difficult to pass on technology in Japan, but this is a common issue all over the world.

IMV is always improving our services to deepen our understanding of our customers and to solve their testing problems through workshops like this.